Friday, 20 June 2014

Almost 5 year old phone conversation

Max called his school friend Justin tonight and I, of course, put the phone on speaker to hear the cuteness:

Max: "Can I come to your house Justin?"
Justin: "Yes!"
Max: "What's your address?"
Justin: "Let me show you"
Max: "But I can't see"
Justin (mother whispering to him in background): "1740 Marchand Street"
Max: "Is your house far?"
Justin: "No"
Max: "Can I bring my little sister?"
Justin: "Yes"
Max: "And my Daddy and my mother?"
Justin: "Yes"
Justin: "Our teacher Dave is big"
Max: "Yes"

This went on for a good 10 minutes before I asked to speak to Justin's mommy so we could actually plan a play date for the boys; so cute!!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

On Co-Sleeping

Brooklyn, usually the easiest child to put to bed, couldn't sleep tonight. She ended up in Max's bed as I was reading his story, which he was ecstatic about.

Max: "Brooklyn, do you want me to choose a book?"
Brooklyn: "Ya- book!"
Max: "Ok, how about this one?" Holding up a book on heavy equipment, one of Brooklyn's favourite things in the world
Brooklyn: "Ya!"
Max (rummaging through his Disney bin): "Brooklyn, do you want a character?" 
Brooklyn: Vigorous head shake "no" 
Brooklyn (holding out her arm): "Bobo bobo"
Max: "You want me to kiss it to make it feel better?"
Brooklyn: Nodding vigorously "yes"  
Max: "I want Brooklyn to sleep with me all night!"
Such a sweet older brother