Wednesday, 30 January 2013

On Being Busy

Max (upon my entering daycare and seeing Max on a play cell phone): "No! I can't leave now mommy! I'm on the phone!"


Me: "Max, can you please give Brooklyn a toy to play with?"
Max (surrounded by his construction toy trucks and diggers): "I can't right now, I'm busy working"


Max: "I have to go to the bathroom and then get right back to work!"
Max (after having gone to the bathroom): "Mommy, why do I go right back to work?"
Me: "Because you are a good worker Max!"

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

On the daily routine

Max: "Mommy, did Brooklyn have a good day today?"
Me: "Yes Max, she did"
Max: "Me too, at Julia's"
Me: "What did you do today at Julia's?"
Max: "Played with rocks"

Monday, 28 January 2013

On Dreaming

Me: "Max, did you have any dreams last night?"
Max: "yes!"
Me: "What did you dream about?"
Max: "Mickey Mouse!"
Me: "What was Mickey Mouse doing in your dream?"
Max: "Sleeping"

Friday, 25 January 2013

On Teething (and other big brother stuff)

Max: "Mommy! Brooklyn's cheeks are red! You have to give her my rubber truck to chew on!"
Me: "Because she's teething Max?"
Max: "Yes, because she's teething"

Max (hugging Brooklyn): "Oh Brooklyn, my sweety pie"
Me: "Yes, Brooklyn is my little love"
Max: "But I'm your love!"
Me: "We're all loves"
Max: "Yes, all loves"

Thursday, 24 January 2013

On Being Reunited

I haven't seen Max in one week as I have been away visiting a friend in Los Angeles. Upon our reunion:

Max: "Mommy, I haven't seen you in soooo long!!! Two days!!"

Max (spontaneously while playing): "Mommy, how was California?"
Me: "California was wonderful Max, thank you for asking"
Max: "Did Brooklyn like California, or was she scared?"
Me: "No, Brooklyn loved California sweetheart"

Saturday, 19 January 2013

On Being a Little Adult

(Conversation between Max and I, while I am in LA and he is at home)

Max: "Mommy, how was the plane ride?"
Me: "It was great Max. I miss you"
Max: "When are you coming home? It's taking so long"
Me: "I'll be home in 4 more do-dos"
Max: "Ok Mommy- I love Brooklyn and I love you too"

Friday, 18 January 2013

On Navigating

This is an oldie but a goodie (I am currently traveling and so have no "live" conversations with my son to post)

Max: "Mommy, why did you turn here?"
Me: "Because this is the way we go to get from your school to Daddy's work"
Max: "No it's not"

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

On Older Brother Stuff

Max: "Brooklyn you are leaving on vacation tomorrow. You are one lucky girl!"
Brooklyn: "Goou gou gaga" (big smile)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Mister Know-it-all

Max (in the car): "Oh no, it's raining out!"
Me: "No Max, it's actually just the car in front of Mommy getting Mommy's windshield wet"
Max: "Why?"
Me: "Because his tires are wet and they are spraying Mommy's car"
Max: "Because that's just the way it is"
Me: "Who taught you that Max??"
Max: "Noone!"
Me: "You thought of that all by yourself honey?"
Max: "Yes. And I'm not honey"
Me: "Oh, then who are you?"
Max: "I'm Max!"

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Just Funny One-Liners

Max says hilarious things in pretty much every second sentence that comes out of his mouth. For this reason, I will also keep a running post of just such one-liners. Here was this morning's:

Max (As I poured the hot water over his oatmeal cereal): "Bye-bye cereal! Have a nice day in my tummy!"

On January 13th, 2013

Max (yawming after his bath): "I had a busy day Daddy, I'm tired"

Monday, 7 January 2013

On Family Ties

Max: "Mommy!"
Me: "Yes Max?"
Max: "Are you Mommy Alyssa Bleser?"
Me: "Yes, I'm Alyssa Bleser"
Max: "Is Daddy, daddy Patrick Moreau?"
Me: "Yes"
Max: "And I'm Max?"
Me: "Yes"

Sunday, 6 January 2013

On Having the Stomach Flu

Me: "Max, you cannot touch your baby sister today, it's very important that she not catch the flu as well"
Max: "But I want to kiss her and hug her because I love her so much"
Me: "I know sweetheart, but you'll just have to blow her kisses today and hopefully by tomorrow, you'll be able to kiss and hug her again"
Max: "When I stop blargh!! (insert sound here of Max imitating himself throwing up)
Me: "Yes Max, when you stop throwing up"

Saturday, 5 January 2013

On his First Day Skiing

On the highway up north to the hill, we suddenly had to slow way down:

Max: "Why did we just stop Mommy? Is it because of an accident?"
Me: "That's what I'm thinking as well Max, but we'll have to wait and see"
(several minutes later, we do indeed see many police cars and a tow truck off to the side)
Me: "Look Max, it was an accident that caused us to slow down and be in traffic"
Max: "So then I was right!"

A little further down the road, as we start to approach mountains:

Max: "Is that the mountain that I will be skiing on?"
Me: "No Max, it's not the one, I'll point it out as soon as I see the one you will be skiing on"
Max: "Yeah because that mountain is too big, it's for big boys only"

Once we got to the ski hill I decided we would wait in the car for a little while so that my baby daughter could finish her nap and Max could have his snack:

Max: "I want to sit in front Mommy"
Me: "Ok fine, come sit on the passenger side"
Max (after a couple of minutes of that): "I want to sit on your lap on the driver's side"
Me: "Ok fine, come sit on my lap"
Max (once he was on my lap): "Ok, let's drive Mommy"
Me: "Max I can't drive with you sitting on me!"
Max: "Yes, I'm a good driver!"
Me: "No, Max, we really cannot"
Max: "Why? Because there are police around?"
Me: "Yes, that's why, I could get in a lot of trouble if I let you drive- you're only 3!"

Friday, 4 January 2013

On the Weather

Pat: "Look Max, it's starting to rain" (as the two of them are outside shovelling together)
Max: "Is it raining snow?"
Pat: "No, Max, it's raining rain- water- as it is not cold enough to turn it into snow"
Max: "Oh well that's ok, I'm wearing my jacket"

Thursday, 3 January 2013

On Etiquette

This actually happened this evening, at diner, while I was alone with the kids as my husband was working late:

Max: "Mommy, I would like some more ketchup please"
Me (feeding 6 month old daughter a bottle with one hand and trying to feed myself with the other): "Ok Max, just give me a minute to finish feeding Brooklyn and then I'll get you the ketchup"
Max (after waiting maybe 10 seconds): "Garcon! Garcon! I need more ketchup please!"
Me (laughing): "Max, where did you learn that?"
Max (no response, but knowing he'd said something very funny)

The Unrelenting Questioner

My son asks easily 100 questions a day, and those are just the ones I hear. Who knows how many he may ask of the daycare educator, my husband, in-laws, etc...? For the time being I am mostly capable of answering his questions, but he's only 3, so I realize this will not last forever. Today was a good example of that:

Me: "We have to dress you really warmly Max as it is very cold outside"
Max: "But why is it sunny?"
Me: "Because it is often sunny when it is very cold outside"
Max: "But why?"
Me: "I honestly don't know why that is Max"
Max: "You don't know?" (said with some amount of sadness and/or awe that there was something his mother did not know)

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

On his Amazing Imagination

Every night before bath time, my husband and son play "tent" in our bed

Max: "Oh I hear the doorbell!"
Pat: "Is it Grouchy?" (Our son's imaginary friend who makes nightly visits to the tent)
Max: "No, it's the mailman"
Pat: "Oh, we have mail?"
Max: "Yes, one letter for you and one letter for me"
Pat: "Who are they from?"
Max: "Daddy! From the mailman!" (said in a "duh!" sort of voice)