Thursday, 3 January 2013

The Unrelenting Questioner

My son asks easily 100 questions a day, and those are just the ones I hear. Who knows how many he may ask of the daycare educator, my husband, in-laws, etc...? For the time being I am mostly capable of answering his questions, but he's only 3, so I realize this will not last forever. Today was a good example of that:

Me: "We have to dress you really warmly Max as it is very cold outside"
Max: "But why is it sunny?"
Me: "Because it is often sunny when it is very cold outside"
Max: "But why?"
Me: "I honestly don't know why that is Max"
Max: "You don't know?" (said with some amount of sadness and/or awe that there was something his mother did not know)

1 comment:

  1. and so the lesson learned here is evade saying "i don"t know, Max" try "why do you think it is sunny when it is cold?"
