Sunday, 8 September 2013

Oh Henry

This would have been much better as a video, but my friend Lizzie and I were too busy trying to keep our sons, "best friends" Henry and Max from killing each other on the playground to whip out our iPhones  and start filming. When we weren't physically separating them or otherwise intervening, we were laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. These boys spent almost every day of their early lives together ( they are just 3 days apart) as we lived across the park from one another. Lizzie and family moved to New York (Brooklyn) and we bought a house in the burbs. Max and Henry haven't seen each other in over a year, but we weren't expecting this...(excerpts of a variety of the inane things they screamed at each other yesterday):

Henry: "Let's run to the park"
Max: "I don't want to run, I want to walk"
Me: "Why don't you two hold hands and we'll get to the park together"
Henry: "I don't want to hold this slow pokes hand!"
Max: "I don't want to hold his hand either!"

At the park:
Henry (yelling at Max): YOU HAVE TO PLAY WiTH ME!"
Max (yelling back): "I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!"
Ensuing fight in which they threw sand at each other (lovely for us moms to witness and not embarrassing at all with the other kids and parents at the park)

Also at the park:
Henry: "Poo poo!"
Max: "Caca!"
Lizzie: "Henry doesn't know that word..."

This went on for almost an hour and involved various claims of who was first to arrive at a game, who was fastest, biggest, you name it, these 3 year olds fought over it! Lizzie and I did finally manage to broker a peace deal on the walk home after the boys did some hugging it out (although even at that, Max complained during the first hug that Henry was squeezing him too hard!) Now we just have to hope we can make it to Brooklyn one day and the boys will be able to make it through a weekend in peace... A Suivre

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